The Difference Between You and Other Agents

As a real estate agent, it is incredibly important to have a strong value proposition in order to win listings and help clients. What sets you apart from other agents?

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Today, I want you to ask yourself a few questions. What sets you apart? What is your unique selling proposition? What is your value proposition to your clients?

I went on a listing appointment today for a home that has been listed on the market for four years. That’s right—four years. This home has been through 10 different agents. As an industry, we have failed the client. The home was listed at $1.8 million five years ago; today, it is only listed at $495,000 and still hasn't sold. We have failed at valuing the property, marketing the property, and we have failed that client. Those other 10 agents should not have taken that property on if they couldn’t sell it.

I left the home trying to decide whether or not to take the listing, which will expire next week. Right away, the owner called me and said, “Please, please sell my home. Take the listing next week before it expires because I am going to get 30 calls from agents and they are all the same.”

Think about that. She has been through 10 expired listings, and she knows what happens. She knows she is going to get 30 calls from agents trying to take that listing. But when she said, “All agents are the same,” it was very, very disappointing. Clearly, these agents are doing a very poor job marketing themselves and showing their value proposition.

Why did she come to me? We do a very good job selling our value propositions. We say, “Hey, if we don’t sell your house, I’m going to buy it.” That’s just one example of our value propositions. We also try to show how much we care for our clients and show them success stories.

If you’re an agent and you call that house again because it’s expired, you need to explain how that house is going to sell. You can’t just dump it on the market and forget about it; you have to prove your value to the client. This particular client made fun of our industry; she has talked to many agents who come in with drones and all kinds of toys. While these agents might sound great, they don’t sell homes.

If you want to win listings and help clients, you need a very solid value proposition. That Guaranteed Sold program is just one pillar of our marketing that sets us apart. Going forward, if you want to be successful, you need to differentiate yourself from other agents. Don’t just dump expired listings back on the market and forget about the client. You need to do an in-depth analysis on the property and create value for the client. Have a solid value proposition so they call you first.

If you need help differentiating yourself from other agents, just give me a call. I would be happy to talk with you and figure things out. Also, we are hiring, and everyone on my team is going to the Bahamas this year. If you are interested in working with us, just reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you!

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