How to Work More Efficiently & Sell More Homes

The key to making more money in our industry is to work more efficiently. Today, I'm discussing a key metric my team and I look at that helps us measure and improve our efficiency.

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I hope you're crushing it as we start 2017. It's not too late to update your 2017 business plan to make more money and have a better life this year. As you know, the three ways to make more money are to sell more homes, sell them at a higher price point, or charge a higher commission. Most of us focus on selling more homes.

So how will you do that? How will you work more efficiently?

As you might've noticed in the video above, I'm working at the new standing desk my team got me for Christmas and it's working extremely well. This desk is helping me be more efficient—how are you going to be more efficient? You don't have any more hours this year than last year.

Making more money is about working more efficiently.

I just had a meeting with my team where we looked at some different metrics on our team. One metric we focused on was how many homes each agent sold, but there was a much different performance metric in it. Some agents showed as many as 42 homes for one closing while other agents showed as few as nine. There's a huge difference in the amount of time spent with a buyer. The agent showing nine sold nearly $16 million worth of homes last year and the agent who showed 42 homes to get to one closing is brand new, and it's to be expected while she gets her feet wet.

So how can she lower that number and show only eight or nine homes for each buyer to get to a closing? There are two important things the experienced agent does to achieve this. One is to properly pre-qualify the buyers and make sure they're ready and able to buy a home in the next 30 days before she even puts the buyers in the car. She realizes that her job is not to show every home, but to find homes that are suitable for the buyers, not the perfect home. No one will ever find the perfect home—it's about getting them a reasonable value for their money and a home that will work for them going forward.

I also think she's more direct with her clients in showing homes. A client might say something like, 'We want to think about it,' but a solid agent in this market will realize that it's important for her to take control of the situation and let the buyers know that they risk losing a home and how important it is that they take action.

So in 2017, work more efficiently by focusing on how many showings it takes you to get to a closing. It's really important to know your numbers. If I can help you in your career in any other way this year, give me a call or send me an email and let's grab a cup of coffee. Until then, I wish you success this year!

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