Teams Are Taking Over in Real Estate

If you want to grow your business, I’ve got three words for you: Consider a team.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or

I just got back from a great conference with Zillow and I want to share some insight into what I learned. I was really inspired by Spencer Rascoff, the CEO of Zillow. I know we as agents love to hate Zillow, but the truth is Zillow and Trulia drive 80% of the online traffic in our industry right now. However, that’s not what I want to talk about. 

I’m heading out to San Diego in the next couple of weeks to Mastermind with some of the top agents in the country. I don’t think there will be anyone in the room who is doing less than $1 million in revenue. It’s a great opportunity I like to take advantage of every year. 

One observation I’ve made while attending these conferences is that teams are taking over the industry. If you’re an individual agent, it’s incredibly hard to get your business cards made, get your website set up, and compete with the service that’s provided by a team. 

If you want your business to grow, think about joining or creating a team.

At the lower level conferences, people are trying to buy their way to success. At the upper level conferences that host experts like Zillow premier agents, the discussions aren’t about buying your way to success. It’s more about setting up systems and processes and working on conversion and the client experience. As an individual agent, it’s almost impossible to have the speed of follow-up needed for online leads and a conversion process that provides the level of customer service that a team does.

I’ve got a brand-new agent that was licensed six weeks ago who has five houses under contract. I don’t think any agent going it alone could accomplish that type of feat, but with a team, she’s learning from all the people around her and getting the best training. It’s amazing to watch. 

Your growth is not a something, it’s a who. If you want to grow, you probably need to bring in someone to help you. Whether it’s a listing assistant or an office assistant, bringing someone in is essential for growth. 

If you want to know what it’s like to be on a team or you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!

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