How to Make Your Business More Efficient and Scalable

To increase efficiency and scalability in your business, don’t waste your time on decisions that don’t matter.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or

I just got back from a week-long trip to Las Vegas where I met with and spoke to Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff. While I was there, we spoke about many things, and one of them was our topic for the day: efficiency and scalability in your business. 

In real estate, we do many, many things over and over again. Because of this, you must ask yourself, what systems and processes do you have in place to make your business scalable and more efficient?

You may notice something different about me in the video above—I’m not wearing a white shirt. I’ve shot hundreds of videos, and in each and every one of them, I’ve worn a white shirt. I  generally always wear a white shirt. It’s so easy to put a suit and tie on with a white shirt. I wear black shoes, black socks, a black belt, and a tie that’s pre-tied. This all might sound crazy, but it saves me a tremendous amount of time—I pick a suit, I pick a tie, and I’m out the door!

It’s not me—it’s a trick I picked up from the likes of Gary Keller, Tony Robbins, and Steve Jobs. They didn’t spend a tremendous amount of time making decisions that don’t matter. They spent their time on the rainmaking decisions. 

So, don’t waste your time on decisions that don’t matter. There are many things you can do to maximize efficiency in your business. I use a stand-up desk every day in my office because it doesn’t allow me to waste time sitting. I’ve found that if you’re standing at your desk, you’re more efficient and you get more things done. 

Don’t waste your time on decisions that don’t matter.

One of the best classes I ever took in college was a class called “Industrial Marketing.” One day during class, the professor flipped a chair over for us to look at. We saw a bunch of holes drilled into the underside of that chair that didn’t need to be there. They weren’t being used, and it costs money to drill holes, so why were they there? 

The point he was trying to emphasize is you need to analyze every part of your business, where you can cut expenses, and where you can save time. For example, if you’re still running around delivering deposit checks, stop doing that and start mailing them. Your time is more important for driving around delivering deposit checks! For just 49 cents, you’ll save yourself a tremendous amount of time. 

If you have any questions about increasing your efficiencies or you want to know how we are more efficient and are able to sell 300 to 400 homes a year, give me a call anytime. I would love to go out for coffee and talk with you.

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