How to Make Sure You Succeed in 2018

Everybody gets knocked down in real estate. All that matters is you get back up.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or

The year is almost over and I hope you are absolutely killing it. If you’re not—maybe your numbers are down and you are a little beat up—I wanted to remind you of something today. 

Getting knocked down is part of the business in real estate. Your production isn’t always going to go up. Sometimes you’ll get beat down. However, it’s not about how many times you get beat down. It’s about how many times you get back up. 

This reminds me of a post I saw on Facebook recently from Lance Logan. He’s one of the top KW agents in the world, but he was facing foreclosure just five years ago. He was having a rough time. However, Lance persisted and now he is absolutely killing it. 

If you’ve had a tough year, stay persistent. That’s the best advice I can give you. Another thing you should do if you’ve had a tough year is get started on your business plan for next year right now. You need to have a strong budget and you’ve also got to come up with ideas to do things better than you did last year so you don’t have another down year.

If you’ve had a tough year, stay persistent.

You’re always trying to buy the next greatest thing for your business. However, the key to your success isn’t a thing. It’s a person. If you don’t have an assistant already, I would say that hiring one is the number one thing you can do to take your business to the next level. 

I remember when I didn’t have an assistant: I was the assistant. It was horrible. Once I hired someone in that role, they changed my life. I’m here today because I hired the right people on my team.

So stay persistent and keep at it. That’s what my team has done this year, and I’m excited to reward them with a free vacation to the Bahamas coming up in a few weeks. If you have any questions for me about our team and the way we do things, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

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