The Secret to Successful Team Growth

Teams are the future of the real estate industry, but teams aren't always the best route. If your team doesn't grow the right way, the money won't justify it.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or

Real estate teams are the overwhelming trend in modern real estate, and everybody seems to love them. There is, however, a dirty little secret about real estate teams that I wanted to myth-bust. The myth is that a bigger real estate team is better.

Recently, I saw a post by someone I have a lot of respect for who has built a large team that said, “I was making more money when it was just me and two assistants.” I can say that I've been fortunate to grow a great team and that my income has grown every year with the growth of our team.

Many teams fall into a trap of growing too quickly and having expenses exceed revenue.

However, many teams get pulled into a trap of growing too quickly and having expenses exceed their revenue. At the end of the day, we get pulled into the trap of letting our egos go. It doesn't matter if you sell 4 million homes or gross $200 million—what matters is what you net.

When you build a team, you have to do it systematically.

I'm always asked who the first team member should hire is. I did it wrong by first hiring a buyer's agent. Your first hire should be an assistant. Think of it this way: if you don't have an assistant, you are the assistant, and you're doing $10 an hour tasks. Once you have a great assistant, you can grow a team slowly and systematically. Then, you can bring on a showing agent to take some of that buyer stress and extra work away from you.

If you hire two buyer's agents and two assistants, I absolutely guarantee you that you'll be more profitable than many of the teams out there who sell many more homes than you do—their expenses get out of control, yours don't.

I'm actually trying to get my guys to build teams within my teams, and it's pretty cool to watch.

If you're interested in how I built my team and how we've grown net revenue every year, give me a call. We have a spot open right now for a buyer's agent who wants to make $150,000 in 2017!

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