How to Adapt in an Ever-Changing Industry

In an ever-shifting industry, the agent of the future is someone who can convert Internet leads and pair them with good old-fashioned customer service.

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What does the agent of the future look like? 

In the old days, real estate was done differently than it is now. Agents used to send out postcards with pictures of homes that were just sold or just listed, and all transactions were done face to face in places like clubs or churches. 

Now, larger corporations are taking over the industry, and 96% of buyers start their home search online by hitting sites like Zillow, Trulia, or Those leads then get sold back to us. The Internet is generating the leads. 

Larger corporations are taking over the industry.

Even if people have a great friend or know somebody in the business, the Internet is where they’re starting their search. They don’t even know which agent will be contacting them. Farming neighborhoods takes a very long time, so it's important to find a new way to adapt to the quickly moving market.

Millennials are starting to buy homes in bulk, but how do you reach them if they never open their mail? You need to get them on the Internet. 

The agent of the future is someone who can use new technology to convert internet leads and makes sure to always exhibit stellar customer service. The agent of the future can give instant follow up to those buyers who are combing Zillow on their iPhones and pair it with the ability to give the client a great experience. These days, that can only really be done with a team. You can’t be there for someone all the time, but a team can.

In our office, for example, the slogan ‘Clients First’ is brandished everywhere—in our bathrooms, our kitchen, over everyone’s desk, etc. Nothing is more important than our clients. They’re why we’re in the business. We place them ahead of our own needs. That’s what a team does.

If you have any questions or want to know how you can join us, give me a call or send me an email. I hope you have an absolutely awesome day. 

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