Why Your Outlook & Perspective Are So Important

I recently said goodbye to my father-in-law, someone who really helped shaped my perspective. Here's how he helped me change the way I look at a real estate transaction.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or Kevin@ClancyRealEstate.com.

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about your perspective and outlook.

Unfortunately, I lost my father-in-law recently to pancreatic cancer. He was a great guy who really changed my perspective on what's important in life and how we shouldn't get hung up on things in life and in real estate that don't really matter.

As a listing agent, I often have buyer's agents presenting an offer in an adversarial manner. They'll ask where I got a price from and demand to see comps. Obviously, in real estate we're judgmental and we're competitors, and yet, we collaborate. As a listing agent, I'm trying to get the best price for my client while the buyer's agent tries to get the best and lowest price for their clients.

However, we need to work together to resolve the conflict and settle on a fair price. I think that when it comes to perspective, instead of being judgmental of each other, we need to step into a mode of curiosity. We should hear something and wonder, "That's an interesting point. I wonder where you're coming from and why you feel that way." 

How can you get into a mode of curiosity?

We sold four properties this week, and as for the adversarial buyer's agents, well, I can tell you that the offers that we moved forward with were the ones that were the easiest to work with and who I knew had track records of closing. These weren't the agents who were acting adversarial and demanding comps or insulting my pricing. 

So think about perspective a little bit in a general sense in your career and step into a mode of curiosity when you can. 

Finally, I wanted to touch on your career as a real estate owner. I told my team that we should all own real estate and we should all be flipping homes and owning rental properties; we're in the business, so no one is better suited. If you don't own real estate, I encourage you to think bigger. How can you build wealth owning real estate? It's the best investment in the world. 

If you have any questions about today's topics or you'd like to learn more about joining our team, give me a call or send me an email. Here's to your continued success!

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